OAB-UK Standards 

What are the international standards?

A standard is an agreed-upon way of doing something. It could be about making a product, running a training or other process, or providing a service. Standards can cover a wide range of activities undertaken by organisations and used by their customers.

Training standards are the refined wisdom of people with experience in the field of training who know the needs of the organisations they represent and meet the needs of clients with competence and professionalism, such as Traineres, teachers, training programs or training institutions, 

Standards: They are a set of rules that regulate the quality of customer service. In the training field, the rules include all pillars of the training process (the training centre, the trainer, the training package, evaluation, and participants’ certificates). 

Standards are knowledge and quality, powerful tools that can help drive innovation and increase productivity. They make the lives of organisations and people more successful and make everyday life easier, safer, and more quality.

 Our experts and consultants have designed the OAB-UK international training standards for voluntary use, so it’s up to you. You’re not forced to follow a set of rules that you feel make your job more difficult and expensive when they are designed to help you do your job better and achieve better. You have an international reputation and a more significant income.

International Standards of Training

Training is an essential process towards change and skills development. Therefore, it is governed by principles and standards aimed at achieving the ultimate goal of training for participants. The most important of these standards are: 

  • The trainees undergo a training needs study or a pre-test that measures the trainees’ needs, which helps the trainer develop a training plan that achieves the trainees’ goals and meets their training needs according to a training bag approved by a reputable accreditation body (for the training to be flexible, the trainer has the right to modify the content of the training bag by increasing or decreasing by a percentage Not more than ±20%)
  • The training should be conducted through internationally accredited training centres or platforms and rely on trainers who have been internationally accredited by an internationally recognised accreditation body.

First: The standards recognised by OAB-UK

  • OAB-UK international standards recognise independent trainers who market their courses independently without being affiliated with any training centre. They also grant accreditation to trainers who cooperate with training centres internationally accredited by OAB-UK. 
  • OAB-UK international standards recognise three types of training
  1.  Face-to-face training, whether in a training hall or online, through multiple face-to-face communication programs such as Zoom, Google Meet, and other numerous chat rooms.
  2. Recorded online training provided through approved and respected training platforms, provided that the trainee undergoes a final exam in which he achieves success with a percentage of more than 75%.
  3. Training based on scientific research: The trainer delivers the training curriculum and the necessary references to the trainee, provided that the trainee prepares scientific research compatible with the American API standards. A specialised committee evaluates the research, according to which the trainee is granted an accredited international certificate OAB-UK after fulfilling the requirements of the committee members. The committee has the right to subject the participant to a final exam in which he succeeds with a percentage of more than 75%.
  • In addition to training courses and the training diploma, OAB-UK recognises the following training activities:
  1. Training workshop
  2. Conference
  3. Forum
  4. Exhibitions of all kinds
  5. Scientific seminars
  6. Community initiatives activities
  7. volunteer work
  • OAB-UK does not recognise the following training activities:
  1. Training bachelor’s degree or professional bachelor’s degree
  2. Training Master’s or Training Master’s
  3. Training doctorate or professional doctorate

These titles have been recognised for postgraduate academic studies, and universities grant their certificates exclusively. They are not training titles but rather academic titles.

  • OAB-UK only grants accreditation for medical training programs that require participants to have university degrees in a different field of medical science due to the resulting liability and excessive standards to set, except courses in public, clinical, and physical health that do not require knowledge. Advance medical.

Second: Accredited Training Fields

OAB-UK has classified its accredited training fields into 20 main areas and awards accreditations in all areas. These fields are as follows:


Languages ​​and Translation


Self-Development and Soft Skills


Human and Administrative Skills


Financial and Accounting Sciences


Training of Trainers, Teachers and Lecturers


Design and Programming


Information Technology


Field of Law


Press and Media


Engineering Field


Vocational Qualification


Industrial Field


Sharia and Religious Sciences


Agricultural Field


Devices Maintenance


Complementary and Alternative Medicine


* The Field Of Health and Sports


Tourism, Hotels and Restaurants


Fine Arts


Sales and Marketing

* Do not depend on the OAB-UK, which offers courses in modern medicine, except for some public, clinical, and physical health courses that do not require participants to obtain a university degree in modern medical sciences.

Note: Some fields overlap and converge to cover all the training fields and their names according to the countries. The closest field is chosen, with the possibility of selecting more than one field according to what the training institutions and trainers see fit, provided that the training fields do not exceed three fields as a maximum.

Third: Standards for training hours and training duration

Training hour: The duration of the training hour is 45-50 minutes. 

Number of hours of the training program

  • The training bag prepared and designed by the trainer determines the number of hours of the training program, depending on the training content and activities included in it. 
  • The number of hours of the training program is based on the training system and method followed by the trainer when preparing the training package, as OAB-UK adopts two systems related to the duration of training.
  1. Actual training system

This system depends entirely on providing training within the training hall, and the number of actual hours of training is only what is provided during the training sessions. It is suitable for face-to-face courses inside the training hall and mostly academic courses.

  1. Intensive training system

In this system, training is divided into two parts: the first is the training in the training hall, and the second is the training tasks that the trainer requests to be carried out outside the training hall. It is suitable for professional and technical training courses. This system is calculated based on the rule of 10/16 as a minimum and 40/90. At the highest limit

That is, every 40 hours in the training hall is matched by a maximum of 50 hours of work outside the training hall, and the maximum training hours are recorded on the certificate, meaning 90 hours in our example.

Every 10 hours in the training hall is matched by a maximum of 6 hours of work outside the training hall, and the training hours are recorded on the certificate as a minimum of 16 hours.

According to this system, training hours are rounded to the nearest even hour. 

Below is an illustrative table showing the number of hours according to this system 

Training hours 

Inside the training hall

Training hours

Actual minimum

The number of hours

 Actual minimum after rounding

Training hours 

Actual highest 

The number of hours 

Actual top after rounding
























































Training day

  • A training day is the number of training hours per day and consists of several training sessions interrupted by a break. The total number of training days is the total duration of the training.
  • The OAB-UK classification is based on the fact that the minimum number of training days is one hour and one training session, the maximum number of training days is eight training hours, the minimum number of hours for a training session is one hour, and the maximum number of training sessions is three training hours.
  • Accredited training programs are divided into three types
  1. The training workshop alone is 8 hours of training 
  2. The training course alone requires a minimum of 10 training hours 
  3. The training diploma alone requires a minimum of 70 hours of training
  • Trainers in the professional field where experience is the basis for accreditation 
  • The trainer’s experience is not less than five years in the field in which he wishes to train (years of university study are counted for academics)
  • The trainer must have completed courses in the field of training trainers (at least 50 training hours) 
  • The trainer must have completed training courses for at least 50 training hours in the field in which he wishes to be certified. 
  • The trainer must have at least one training bag (training program/course) in which he wishes to be accredited. In this bag, he should implement actual training for several trainees.

Fourth: Standards of Training for Language Courses 


What are the international standards for language courses and English language courses?

If the following conditions are met, the course is compatible and aligned with the rigorous international standards of the prestigious Oxford Accreditation Board (OAB-UK), a globally recognised authority in language education.


  1. The training centre offering the course must be accredited by an international accrediting body (OAB-UK) or any other reputable accrediting body.
  2. The trainer who provides the course must be certified by an international accrediting body (OAB-UK) or any other reputable accrediting body.
  3. The training package for the course must be certified by an international accrediting body (OAB-UK) or any reputable accrediting body.
  4. The training package for the course should be based on a global series and comply with the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference CEFR.

Accepting students and Graduation

  1. Before being accepted, the student must take an approved exam that measures proficiency in the English language based on a recognised international system such as the European Framework of Reference. CEFR

Note: OAB-UK offers the OCEC exam for all students. They registered at accredited language centres for free.

  1. Participants in English language courses must undergo an evaluation at the end of the course based on exams approved by OAB-UK covering the course curriculum. To move on to the next course, the student must achieve at least 75% success.
  2. After completing the courses, trainees will receive certificates bearing an international number issued by OAB-UK. These certificates can be authenticated on the International Certification website, a trusted platform that verifies their authenticity and validity. 

Training system

  1. The English language is taught using a flexible training method tailored to each trainee’s specific needs, and language gaps are addressed in a way that suits their linguistic level. The plan is determined based on the international English language proficiency exam. It focuses on providing the trainee with linguistic skills and achieving the goals that they participated in the courses. This approach allows learners to manage their time and capabilities effectively.
  2. The English language is taught according to modern learning theories to ensure the acquisition of language skills 
  3. that Courses focus on skills and practical application, not just grammar and vocabulary

Course system

  1. The stability of the courses in terms of system, fees, and quality, ensuring the savings of time, effort, and cost for the trainee
  2. We provide a comprehensive range of courses catering to all language learners. From foundation levels to advanced skills courses and preparation courses for international examinations, our classes are designed for beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced speakers. We also offer specialised courses for business English, academic English, and exam preparation, ensuring that we meet the diverse needs of our learners.
  3. The courses offered by the training centre should include all ages and levels.
  4. Courses must be available online or in person.

International Accreditation Standards

First: Accreditation Standards for Trainers 

OAB-UK accredits trainers who meet the following requirements:

The trainer must have completed a course in the field of training trainers (at least 60 training hours).

The trainer must have completed training courses in the field of training in which he wishes to be certified for a period of at least 60 training hours.

The trainer must have trained in the chosen training field and have at least one training package in this field.

The trainer must have a bachelor’s degree at the minimum when training in any academic field.

In the case of training in a professional field, the trainer must have at least three years of practical experience.

Classification Ranks International Certified Trainers 

  1. TheOAB-UKclassifies the ranks of Traineres into five ranks as follows





Certified Associate Trainer  



Certified Trainer Practitioner 



Certified Professional Trainer



Certified Expert Trainer



Certified Consultant Trainer


  1. The rank of Trainer depends on four primary requirements that must be proven to grant the rank:
  • Number of trainees trained by the trainer
  • Number of years of experience of the trainer in the field of training 
  • Number of training hours attended by the trainer
  • Scientific participation (scientific degree – participation in conferences – involvement in training activities – training courses qualifying for the rank)
  1. Trainers’ ranks are classified according to rank requirements according to the following table:


Minimum number of trainees 

Minimum training hours attended 

Minimum years of experience

Certified Associate Trainer  




One year

Certified Trainer Practitioner 




Two years

Certified Professional Trainer




Three years

Certified Expert Trainer




Five years

Certified Consultant Trainer




Seven years

  1. The trainer obtains the rank after submitting proof of fulfilment of the rank requirements.

Types of accreditation for trainers

  1. Independent trainer: The trainer who conducts the training is accredited independently of any training centre after he achieves the OAB-UK standards for accreditation of trainers. He is granted membership as an international trainer certified by the British Oxford Corporation according to the rank that suits his qualifications and experience, and he has the right to submit a request to issue certificates to the participants in the courses conducted. It was approved directly through his verified account on the Oxford website.
  2. Trainer associated with an accredited training centre: He was nominated for accreditation through a training centre accredited by the OAB-UK after he achieved the OAB-UK standards for accrediting trainers. He is granted membership as an international trainer certified by the OAB-UK according to the rank that suits his qualifications and experience, and his verified account on the Oxford website is linked to the centre’s name. One or more accredited training sessions and a request to issue certificates for participants in the certified courses provided by it are submitted through the account of the accredited training centre.

The trainer accreditation system

    • The trainer can be accredited in a maximum of two training fields, provided he approves at least a training package in each field.
    • Validity only: The trainer’s accreditation lasts two years and is the same rank. It requires renewal every two years or according to the package system that the trainer participates in when accredited.
  • The trainer has the right to be promoted to a higher rank upon renewal of accreditation or during the period of his accreditation, provided that he submits a request to change the trainer’s rank in the following cases:
  • If he meets the requirements for a higher rank 
  •  The trainer must obtain a course in the rank he wants after passing the interview that qualifies him to attend the course and pass the end-of-course academic and practical tests.
  • A trainer associated with a training institution can be accredited by more than one certified training institution, provided the number of institutions associated with him is at most three.
  • The request for issuing certificates is submitted from the training package organiser’s account, as the training institution or the independent trainer organises the training package. Accordingly, the trainer associated with the training institution is not entitled to submit a request for issuing certificates.
  • The independent trainer’s accreditation and training package approval will be cancelled unless a continuous year passes without him holding any training courses and submitting a request to issue certificates to the trainees participating in the approved training courses.

Second: Accreditation Standards for Training Centres 

  1. According to OAB-UK standards, a training institution is an institution that provides training, such as a training centre, electronic platform, institute, or training company.
  2. The training institution obtains after achieving its OAB-UK criteria for the status of “accredited international training centre” after meeting the accreditation requirements. These requirements are as follows:
  • The training institution must exist on the ground and have a title and logo. It must also obtain a local license as an institution working in the training field, such as a Training centre, institute, training company, etc.
  • If the training institution is an electronic platform, the platform’s website must be present and active on the Internet, and a local license for the platform is not required.
  • The training institution provides one affiliated trainer for each training field, and at least one training bag must be accredited according to OAB-UK standards.
  • The training institution must specialise in a specific or several training fields, provided it is at most three fields according to classification OAB-UK, except for the training platform where all training areas are available.
  1. The validity of the training institution’s accreditation continues for two years. It must be renewed every two years or according to the package system that the training institution subscribes to upon its accreditation. The validity of the certification applies to trainers associated with the training institution and the training packages approved by the institution.
  2. The accreditation of the training institution, the accreditations of the associated trainers, and the accreditation of its training bags will be cancelled if a continuous year passes without the training institution holding any training courses and submitting a request to issue certificates to the trainees participating in the approved training courses.
  3. An international accreditation certificate is issued for the training institution that has achieved the accreditation standards of the British Oxford Corporation. The certificate proves the fulfilment of international accreditation requirements and standards and is documented on the international certification website of the British Oxford Corporation. 
  4. The internationally accredited training institution is granted a professional account on the website that documents its international accreditation and other accreditations, including internationally accredited trainers, internationally certified training bags, and accredited international examinations.

Third: Accreditation Standards for Training Package 

  1. The training package is the term for the content of a training program, whether it is a short or long training course, a training diploma, or a training workshop.
  2. The training package is approved based on the extent of correlation between the package title, number of hours, objectives, and primary and sub-axes. Therefore, any training package is only considered for approval through its unique form on the OAB-UK website attached to the accreditation application.
  3. The training package accreditation application is studied by a specialised committee whose members are chosen by the OAB-UK. The decision is made within a week. The committee has the right to comment on the package to the package organiser. The training package is approved after the accreditation committee’s approval by publishing it on the package organiser’s account and issuing a certificate of approval for the training package. This proves the bag organiser’s intellectual property rights.
  4. An international bag accreditation certificate is issued to the organiser of the training bag that has achieved the British Oxford Board’s accreditation standards. The certificate proves the fulfilment of the requirements and standards of international accreditation and is documented on the British Oxford Board’s international certification website. 

Fourth: Accreditation Standards for International Examinations 

  1. The exams are approved after being studied by the Accreditation Committee and meeting the British Oxford standards.
  2. All questions in exams are multiple-choice.
  3. The passing mark in any approved exam must be at least 75% for the student to be granted an accredited certificate under this exam unless there are other criteria related to a specific level or otherwise, and the opinion of the consultants in the accreditation committee determines this.
  4. Exams are submitted online through the OAB-UK website or the Oxford International Academy website at approved exam centres equipped with surveillance cameras or from home under specific time conditions where the camera is turned on during the exam.
  5. An international exam accreditation certificate is issued to the internationally accredited training institution that organised the exam that met the accreditation standards of the British Oxford Corporation. The certificate fulfils international accreditation requirements and standards and is documented on the British Oxford Corporation’s international certification website. 
  6. A certificate of passing the exam is issued to applicants within 72 hours of submitting the exam.

Types of exams that are approved

  • Training evaluation exams

These exams are linked to a training package approved by the OAB-UK. The goal is to evaluate the training by measuring its impact on the participants and the extent to which they acquire knowledge and skills.

The organiser of the training package optionally provides the exam accreditation, and the exam form is attached to the application for certification of the training package. Submitting the exam by the participants is optional and not obligatory. The option of submitting the exam by the participants rests with the organiser or trainer of the training course. 

  1. If the exam is linked to a training package, it should cover all the principal and minor topics of the training course.
  2. The exam must be based on the question bank system, and the average must be achieved at 40/90, meaning every 40 hours of training requires setting a minimum of 90 questions, provided that the number of exam questions is not less than 50 for any exam.
  • Independent examinations

These independent exams evaluate the examinee’s cognitive and skill proficiency in a specific, specialised subject.

  1. The exam is named by the party that applied for accreditation, provided that its name is not similar to the names of well-known international exams provided by international bodies, including but not limited to the TOEFL, IELTS, Oracle, MBA, and OSHA exams, unless an application for accreditation is submitted by the company that designed it: examination and supervision.
  2. The exam must be based on the question bank system, and the number of exam questions must be at least 50 questions for any exam.
  3. The exam must achieve its objectives and cover all aspects of the evaluated subject.

Fifth: Accreditation Standards for Examination Centre 

  1. The term “Accredited International Examination Centre”, according to OAB-UK standards, refers to institutions that meet the accreditation requirements to be an approved examination centre.
  2.  All exams approved by the OAB-UK are conducted online and use a multiple-choice system.
  3. Get the exam centre “Accredited International Examination Centre” from OAB-UK. After achieving the accreditation requirements and standards, these requirements are as follows:
  • The institution must specialise in education or training, exist on the ground, have a title and logo, and obtain a local license as an institution working in this field.
  • The institution must have the necessary equipment to hold the exam online through the Oxford International Examinations website, which is:
  1. A computer lab with a minimum of 6 computers with i5 specifications
  2. All computers are connected to an uninterrupted Internet network
  3. All computers are equipped with cameras and headphones 
  • that Availability The institution monitors the examination during the examination session 
  1. The examination centre’s accreditation continues for two years; it must be renewed every two years.
  2. The exam centre’s accreditation will be cancelled if six consecutive months pass without the exam centre holding the approved exams.
  3. An international accreditation certificate is issued to the accredited examination centre that has achieved the British Oxford Corporation’s accreditation standards. The certificate proves the fulfilment of the requirements and standards of international accreditation and is documented on the British Oxford Corporation’s international certification website. 

International Certification Standards 

Issuing and Accreditation of International Certificates

First: Types of Certificates

  • Certificates issued by OAB-UK

OAB-UK issues the following accreditations:

  • Certificate of accreditation for training institutions (institute, training centre, electronic platform, training company)
  • Trainer accreditation certificate (independent trainer, trainer associated with a training institution)
  • Certificate of accreditation of training programs/bags 
  • International examination accreditation certificate
  • Accreditation certificate for educational institutions (school, college, university)
  • Teacher Certification Certificate (independent teacher, teacher associated with a school)
  • Certificates of participation (certificates accredited by OAB-UK)

OAB-UK accredits the certificates that result from activating the certificates issued by it to achieve the accreditation objectives, which are

  • Participation certificates

 Attendance for participants in OAB-UK accredited training programs delivered by accredited trainers and their certified training institutions

  • Exam certificate 

For OAB-UK approved exams offered on the Oxford International Academy website or through accredited training institutions

  • Certificate of participation in training activities implemented or co-executed by certified training institutions and educational institutions and their cooperating entities, which include the following activities: 
  • Training workshop
  • Conferences
  • Community initiative
  • A seminar
  • forum
  • Exhibitions of all kinds (training or employment fair, artistic, etc.)
  • Cultural and cognitive competitions

Second: Participation Certificates

Standers Accreditation of Participation Certificates

  1. Certificates of attendance at training programs according to the following conditions
  • The OAB-UK must have approved the training package for the training program (training course or training diploma).
  • Participants in these courses obtain these certificates under a certificate issuance request submitted by the accredited organiser of the training package (training centre, independent trainer), provided that the participant has achieved the approved attendance rate of 85% at minimum.
  • The course should be trained by a certified trainer (a trainer linked to a training institution or an independent trainer) with valid accreditation from the OAB-UK.
  • OAB-UK approves certificates for participants in training courses after submitting the course organiser (certified independent trainer or accredited training centre) according to an electronic certificate issuance request submitted from the course organiser’s account.
  • Participants are responsible for meeting the certification accreditation standards of the course organiser who applies for the certification.
  1. Examination certificates
  • The British Oxford University must approve the exam
  • This certificate is obtained by everyone who takes the exam through the Oxford educational platform https://oxfordjo.com, supervised by the Oxford International Academy and achieved the passing mark specified for the exam according to the international standards of the OAB-UK.
  • Approval of the training package includes attaching an optional exam to measure the extent to which participants benefit from the training course and achieve the objectives of the training package. After successfully passing the exam, a certificate of participation is issued. This exam is optional and goes back to the organiser of the training package. The exam is submitted through the Oxford educational platform.
  1. Certificates of training activities 
  •  Oxford International Academy issues this certificate to participants in training activities (such as conferences, workshops, art exhibitions, community initiatives, symposiums, forums, employment fairs, volunteer work, etc.).
  • The OAB-UK does not require accreditation for the training activity or the activity organiser.
  • Any account registered on the OAB-UK website or the Oxford Educational Platform can submit a request to issue certificates for training activities, provided that it is proven that the activity took place.
  1. The international certificate supporting the local certificate
  •  Oxford International Academy issues this certificate under a local certificate certified by a locally accredited institution
  •  Document local certificates on the international certificates website to save the certificate and its information on the international certification website of the OAB-UK. It grants it an international serial number (ICSN) that gives it international status.

Certificate Content

  1. Language: The language of the certificate is English
  2. Licensing: The certificate must be issued by a training institution locally licensed to provide training and internationally accredited by OAB-UK (training centre accreditation, trainer accreditation, and training package accreditation)
  3. Issuing body: The certificate must contain the name, logo and seal of the issuing body 
  4. Accrediting body: The certificate must contain the name, logo, and seal of the accrediting body/s
  5. Name of the training program (training diploma – training course) 
  6. The name of the trainee who has fulfilled the requirements for obtaining the certificate according to the passport
  7. Training start and end dates
  8. Number of training hours: The duration of the training program in hours (provided that it is within the standards of approved hours for each program)
  9. How to attend the training program (face-to-face attendance (whether in the training hall or online), or registered attendance online) Or search scientific)
  10. Final assessment result: only for courses awarded after holding an exam to measure cognitive achievement before granting the certificate, and this does not apply to certificates of attendance and participation.
  11. Name of the certified trainer who conducted the training
  12. The name and logo of the accredited training institution that implemented the training, if any
  13. International Certificate Serial Number ICSN (accredited international numbering system)

Certification Grant System

  1. Complete Grant Certificates of participation and attendance for trainees in accredited training institutions for the courses for which the training institution accredits the training package (training program) from OAB-UK and trained by OAB-UK certified trainers
  2. Certificates of participation and attendance are granted to trainees from the certified independent trainer for courses whose training package (training program) is approved by the certified independent trainer. OAB-UK 
  3. Any local certified certificate is given an accredited international number to those institutions and individuals who wish to register on the OAB-UK website. The training institution is required to be certified by OAB-UK. Still, it is optional that the training program for the course or trainer be accredited, provided that the training activity is compatible. The application for issuing certificates is submitted from the OAB-UK website and requires the approval of the Accreditation Committee.
  4. Any institution or individual who wishes can be granted a training activity certificate, provided that they are registered on the OAB-UK website to submit a request for issuing certificates. Approval from the accreditation committee is required.

Third: Accreditation Certificates


Fourth: The international certificates website

  1. Certificates approved by the British Oxford Corporation and their information appear after entering the international certificate number in the designated site on the international certificates website: https://oxfordab.co.uk/certificate/
  2. The international Certificate Serial Number (ICSN) is owned by the certificate holder and located on the certificate. Only the person concerned with the certificate, the training course organiser, and the OAB-UK can see it. The owner has the right to dispose of it and send it to whomever he wishes.
  3. The image of the certificates in GPG format and the certificate information appear on the international certification website. The certificate holder can send the electronic link to the certificate to whoever wishes and download the certificate in PDF format, as well as download the topics of the training bag (for the program/training course) attached to the attendance certificates, and it must be accredited and certified by the OAB-UK in PDF format. This is to be evidence for the holder of the contents of the training course attended.
  4. Certificates are available on the certificates website for a minimum of five years from the date of their issuance, and Oxford has the right to remove them after five years. 

OAB-UK ICSN certificate numbering system